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Walk A Mile Initiative


Let's be honest, these are just shoes... that you wear on your feet. I'm not developing a cure for cancer or ending world hunger. I draw on shoes and design things. But in my own way, I want to make sure I give back to the planet that has so graciously afforded me health, comfort, security and the ability to pursue my passion with wild abandon. Many people aren't so lucky. Animals under threat of abuse, extinction and exploitation; people living in crushing poverty, political strife and hunger; homeless veterans who served our country and have been forgotten; the planet itself suffering from the weight of 7 billion people. The list is long.


The one thing I have control over is how I operate my business and what I do with my profits. That's where the Walk A Mile initiative comes in. For every pair that you purchase, I will donate 10% of the sale to one of the charities listed below. This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I'll be adding more recipients in the future. As things progress, I hope to contribute even more towards organizations that have expertise in doing good for others on this big blue orb. It's a start. 

© 2015 by VANDAL Xâ„¢. All rights reserved. 

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